Happening Now

Planning a birthday party, Easter, spring break, potty training and event planning a conference (I used to work in event planner before I had my first baby).

Feeling so happy to be spending lots of time outdoors.

Thanking my parents for buying our kids their first swing set.

Listening to the Elise Gets Crafty podcast and really liking what I’m hearing.

Grilling dinners and…

Drinking cold beer on the deck while the kids play.


Adding to my mug collection.

Daydreaming about our first family camping trip.

Trying to decide how I want to set up our garden.

Hoping to sit outside by the fire tonight.

Looking forward to a visit from my sister and her family this weekend.

Loving our weekends and making the most of that time that we have Jeremy home.

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I hope you have a great weekend!

Happening Now

Celebrating my birthday this week. It’s on Sunday and the weather is supposed to be fantastic! Hooray!

Looking forward to my official business launch party in a few weeks. Hopefully this will be the jump start that I need.

Getting excited about garden plans.

Starting to Spring clean and it feels good.

Using this printable from Ask Anna as my cleaning guide.

Selling baby stuff that I’ve held on for too long.

Reading Notes From A Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider. Love it.

Working on Project Life finally! I drove all the way to Lincoln to get the Kiwi edition because it’s still sold out online and in Omaha. I’m so glad a did because I really like it and it was the only one they had.

Feeling better this week and looking forward to getting things back to normal around here.

Eating clean…well, as often as I can.

Grilling our dinners lately. Yum!


Making some new projects that I’ll be posting about soon. The creative juices are flowing again.

Taking photos  Lots of photos. Always.

Thinking ahead to birthday parties, holidays and all that is to come this season.


Happening Now

Reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I’m not very far along yet (it’s a big one), but it’s already got me wanting more.

Running and planking.

Feeling uninspired.

Watching the last few episodes of Breaking Bad and OMG is it good! Don’t tell me what happens. I’ve managed not to hear anything about how it ends.

Wishing I could force Spring to arrive. Seriously.

Planning a little party for my photography business.

Thinking about buying yet another new plant. Home Depot had the most amazing cactus that I regret not buying a couple of weeks ago.

Starting to make plans for Hudson 5th birthday party.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home.

Listening to The Big Deep, a local Omaha band. Pretty good.

Giving up any and all fast food for Lent. I don’t eat that much anyway, so it shouldn’t be hard…except maybe Chick-fil-A.

Focusing on my OLW, choose, and noticing a positive change in the choices I make.

Needing to get caught up on some past projects and thinking I’ll probably work on that this weekend.

Trying to keep the kids busy and happy while we’re stuck inside.

Going on a date with my cute hubby this weekend. Yay!

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I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Stay warm!

Happening Now

drinking hot coffee on this freezing cold day.

planning some craft projects that I can’t wait to get started on.

watching the Winter Olympics.

realizing that I’m way behind on my cookbook challenge and plan to start this week.

needing to clear out closets and finally get rid of some baby stuff that I’ve been hanging on to “just in case”.

trying to keep myself busy because this winter really seems to be dragging.

running at least three times a week, but planning to add to that.

feeling excited about some Valentine’s day plans for the kids.

reading the Art of Simple blog and feeling very inspired. I think I’ll read her book next.

working on creating a meaningful morning routine.

recovering from a sleepless weekend. the kids are still hanging on to colds (runny noses and coughs) and Harper didn’t sleep much at all. not. at. all.

getting ready to party with Justin Timberlake tonight! I’ve been waiting 9 months for this concert and it’s finally here. Hooray!!


Happening Now

Waiting for Jeremy to get home so we can take the kids on an adventure.

Searching for a console table on Craigslist.

Finishing up lots of projects and loving the outcomes.

Loving this short film by Dove about young girls and body image.

Playing with the kids. I’m so glad I put down my phone and started focusing on being in the moment.

Wanting to go thrifting this weekend for some vintage coffee mugs.

Planning little Valentine activities and surprises for the kids. They make all the holidays so much more fun!

Getting super excited about seeing Justin Timberlake in two weeks!! Ahhhhhh!

Thinking about building some shelves like this in a small corner of our living room. We are severely lacking in shelving around here.

Focusing on my photography business more and more. This is the year.

Drinking more coffee than usual just to stay warm. This whole polar vortex deal is a real downer.

Loving a new coffee shop in town (Stories) after trying it on Tuesday. If I were young and single, it would be my Central Perk!

Taking Hudson on a mommy/son date this weekend.

Getting a lot done after being sick all last week.

Celebrating that it’s Friday!!!





Happening Now

Listening to Twin Forks.

Trying to love my coffee with vanilla almond milk instead of creamer.

Reading The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty.

Focusing on my One Little Word a lot.

Loving a new Nate Berkus basket I got at Target for 50% off.

Making quinoa this weekend for the first time ever. Baby steps to eating more healthy.

Planning to slowly redo our master bedroom. It’s in desperate need of a makeover.

Running again three times a week and it feels good.

Wishing for Spring. It’s been so cold here. Insert sad face.

Admiring a few couches in West Elm that I would love to buy…someday.

Watering my plants (often it seems) and wishing I had shelves so I could get some more.

Wondering what I can create using my husband’s new Dremel tool.

Appreciating the little quiet moments throughout the days.

Working on my cover page for this year’s Project Life album.

Searching for some new, inexpensive artwork for our living room.

Drawing an owl for our son’s room. He’s obsessed with owls.

Looking forward to a date with my husband tomorrow. We’re touring a brewery.

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Have a great weekend!

Happening Now

Focusing on finishing up projects and holiday shopping.

Eating lots of Cuties and if I’m being honest, Christmas cookies.

Baking, baking, baking. Yesterday I made an awesome and super easy caramel corn. You can get the recipe here.

Feeling worn out. Both kids were sick with head colds and coughs this week. Blah.

Watching all our favorite holiday movies. I think me favorite is and will always be Christmas Vacation.

Wishing for a date night. I still haven’t seen Catching Fire. I think I’m the only one. *sigh*

Looking forward to Christmas Eve and spending time with family.

Wrapping presents, presents and more presents.

Trying to decide which Project Life kit to use for my 2014 album.

Needing to catch up on my 2013 Project Life before starting my 2014 album.

Listening to Micheal Buble holiday station on Pandora.

Getting excited about my One Little Word for the new year. I chose open last year and it ended up not really fitting, so I didn’t complete the course, but I’m really excited about my word for this year.

Playing Lalaloopsy dolls and super heroes almost everyday lately.

Working on my December Daily album every night and loving how it’s looking. I think it might be my favorite one so far.

Enjoying this holiday season immensely!

Loving this photo of my babies! They’re my favorite people ever.

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Have a great weekend!

Happening Now

Crossing my fingers that I’ll finish both of my big projects by Sunday.

Loving the Christmas tree and the glow of the lights.

Watching my kiddos playing nicely together. Ahhh.

Listening to John Mayer again after seeing him live last Friday. He’s great in concert.

Working on my December Daily foundation pages.

Ordering lots of Christmas gifts online this year so far.

Hosting Thanksgiving at our house. Yay!

Planning to hit the stores for some Black Friday shopping. It’s a tradition for my mom and I. I love a good deal, but like spending the time with my mom even more.

Needing to clean, bake and prep for the arrival of guests.

Looking forward to some delicious food on Thursday and the leftovers.

Going to see Catching Fire while we have babysitters in town! I. Can’t. Wait.

Reading lots of holiday magazine and finding awesome ideas.

Missing autumn a little, but glad the holiday season is in full swing.

Creating and doing lots and loving it.






Happening Now

Feeling incredibly thankful this week.

Drinking pumpkin spice coffee with pumpkin spice creamer.

Prepping my December Daily for the upcoming season.

Working on some fun projects for the holidays.

Getting outside and enjoying the weather as much as we can before it’s gone.

Painting again. I ran out of paint and finally just got some more this weekend.

Reading Things We Set On Fire by Deborah Reed.

Planning our annual holiday party and getting very excited to put up the Christmas decorations.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving at home this year with my parents and then Black Friday shopping with my mom.

Needing to get the yard ready for winter.

Hoping to cross a few things off our home to-do list this weekend.

Loving that I get to meet the Pioneer Woman and see John Mayer in concert in two weeks! Awesome.

Sneaking way too much of the kids Halloween candy. Ugh.

Shopping for some new cold weather clothes. I am desperate for some new clothes.

Watching The Voice. It’s really good this season. James is my favorite. Go James! Oh and has anyone else noticed how much nicer Christina is this season?!

Texting back and forth with one of my oldest friends a lot lately and loving it. Keeping in touch is the best.

Enjoying this autumn so very much!


Have a great weekend everyone!!

Happening Now

Drinking pumpkin spice coffee with pumpkin spice creamer. Hi. My name is Tashia and I have a problem.

Working on lots of projects!

Starting to plan for my December Daily album. Yep. It’s that time of year again!

Hoping to get outside a bunch this weekend. Maybe an apple orchard and a picnic.

Wishing that someone else could finish painting my living room.

Watching The Monster Squad (a Halloween tradition) tonight. If you’re an 80’s child and haven’t seen this cult classic, you need to watch it ASAP.

Needing to re-pot a bunch of plants before they die.

Loving that it’s sweater and boot weather.

Enjoying the change of colors as fall envelopes the city.

Crossing things off of our Fall Bucket List.

Reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.



Happy Friday and have a great weekend!