Weekend Favorites

We had a very busy, full week. Hudson had a medical issue that we had to deal with and then we had his 5th birthday party to plan and host, as well as, Easter. Here are two of my favorites from the weekend.

I cannot believe my little boy is turning 5! Where does the time go…DSC_0710


These two are just the cutest, sweetest kiddos ever. I’m totally biased, but they are. This was right after their Easter egg hunt. I didn’t even tell Hudson to put his arm around her!DSC_0803


It was an awesome family filled weekend, after all the craziness of last week, I’m ready for a normal, calm week.

How was your Easter?

Weekend Favorites

This weekend was all about the new swing set. My parents bought our kids their very first swing set and the kids are in love. We just got a simple metal set (that doesn’t take up much space) instead of one of those over-priced wooden ones. It’s not really aesthetically pleasing, but it serves a much more important purpose and that is to entertain our kiddos and make them happy.

Jeremy put it together on Saturday and the kiddos could hardly stand the wait. I bet they asked a thousand times when he would be done.

Then Sunday was all about enjoying it. And man did they enjoy it! Harper absolutely loves the swing and Hudson loves climbing up the slide and going back down. They were out there all day. It was so much fun to watch! Best ever.

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DSC_0618(I had to put a blanket down because there’s lots of dirt at the end of the slide. We’re trying to figure out what we want to put there permanently.)


I got this great shot of Harper running.DSC_0608 copy



I had a Girl’s Night on Saturday which is really rare these days and it was so much fun catching up with my very best friend. There was lots of Parenthood and Gilmore Girls chatting, good food and good beer.photo (27)

It was a great weekend. I’m so happy Spring has decided to arrive and stick around this time! Being outside and just spending time together is the best.

Weekend Favorites

There wasn’t any thrifting this weekend, but there was lots of fun!

Date night with my cute hubby! I love date nights and they just don’t happen often enough.IMG_1890


Painting birdhouses with the kids outside on our deck. The weather was beautiful! The kids had so much fun and we crossed our first activity off our Spring Bucket List.IMG_1897IMG_1898


We all made a rainbow craft for St. Patrick’s Day. By the way, I learned from watching the Today show this morning that it is incorrect to call it St. Patty’s Day. It should be Paddy’s. Very interesting. I learn something new every day!

These are rainbow windsocks that I found on Pinterest, but you can find them here. The kids love these. They decided that they looked like jellyfish, so we glued on some googly eyes. Lots of fun and we crossed another activity off our Spring Bucket List.IMG_1909IMG_1914



And last, but not least, my favorite photo from the weekend. I’ve always loved watching my babies sleep and I still can’t get enough of it. She looks so peaceful and beautiful.Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset


How was your weekend? Did you get to spend time outside? We were outside all day Saturday, but then it was cold again on Sunday. I did get a bunch of painting done while I was stuck inside though. So that was good.

I hope you’re having a great start to your week!

Weekend Favorites

We kept it very low-key around here this weekend. We were patiently  impatiently waiting for Sunday to roll around because the weather was supposed to be beautiful and it was! I had a baby shower on Saturday and got to catch up with some friends. It was really nice. We didn’t do much else. Just hung around the house. I did manage to get Jeremy to hang hooks on the back’s of the kids bedrooms doors, so that’s something.

We went out for coffee and to one thrift store on Sunday morning. I didn’t find anything cool, but we found a game, a puzzle (in perfect condition) and two books for the kids and it all ended up only costing $3. Pretty awesome. After that we went home to play outside and spent the rest of the day in the sun. The temp got up to 72 degrees. It felt so good!

I didn’t take very many photos this weekend, but here are a few favorites:

A nice quiet moment with my coffee and plants. I’m sure the quiet only lasted all of ten minutes, but it was lovely. Oh, and my donkey’s tail is doing great and even spreading in the pot! Hooray!photo (20)


Flip flops are always my favorite and yesterday was the first flip-flop day of the year! The kids love playing in water, so I made a make shift water box until we can get out the water table.photo (18)


I bought my favorite Easter candy yesterday. I love these little Nestle Crunch eggs. They’re just the right size. I’ll probably eat the whole package..photo (19)


It’s supposed to be sunny and warm again today. I can’t wait to get out and enjoy it! Have a great day!

Weekend Favorites

We had a bitter cold weekend here in Omaha. I’m so over Winter! We haven’t really been doing much because of the cold. However, I do have a few favorites from the weekend.

More thrifting! Hudson actually wanted to go look for new books. We’ve found some great books at the Goodwill and this time we ended up with 8 new books and 6 of them look like they’ve never been read. But the best score was this awesome pot I found! I’ll definitely be planting something in it. The photos don’t do the color justice. It’s really pretty in real life.

Thrifting for the win!

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Family lunch. This is my last fast food meal before I give it up for Lent. I love this shot. So real.photo (25)

Breaking Bad. We finished watching the show on Friday night. Oh my gosh was it good! I couldn’t stop thinking about it all weekend. Brilliant! Totally brilliant.episode-1-walt-jesse

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The Oscars. I love watching and seeing all the dresses and I’m totally into movies. All movies. Last night Cate Blanchett wore my favorite dress. I absolutely love it. There were so many good dresses last night though, so it was hard to choose just one.

favorite dress

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So there you have it. A few of my favorites from the freezing cold don’t even wanna leave the house weekend.

See you tomorrow!

Weekend Favorites

Note: This post was supposed to go up yesterday, but I just realized that I forgot to schedule it. Oops!

We went up to Sioux Falls to visit my parents this weekend. It was great to get out of the house and go somewhere else for a couple of days. The kids have major cabin fever (so do I) and getting out was just what they needed.

We didn’t do a whole lot while we were there, but here a few of my favorites.

Favorite outing was a breakfast date with Jeremy at Starbucks. I’ve found that since becoming parents, I almost like morning dates better then night dates. I think it’s because by the time 8 o’clock rolls around, I’m tired and ready to get comfortable at home. Plus I love mornings and coffee, so those two things together are a recipe for a good date.photo (19)

This sky and sunset were pretty awesome. It was a little difficult to photograph out of the car window, but I had to get a couple of shots. It looked more like a stormy summer sky than a winter sky. The clouds were amazing.photo (20)

Favorite moment was Harper sticking her belly out as far as she could in the giant mirror in the Gap. She thought it was hilarious. It was. She was making the silliest faces and laughing at herself. It was adorable. My mom and I could’ve watched her do that all day.Processed with VSCOcam with lv02 preset

Pink. I didn’t realize it until I was looking through my photos, but there is a lot of pink going on here. My parents wanted to take the kids to Toys R Us and let them pick out some toys. Harper was having a hard time deciding exactly which baby she wanted. She looked so small next to the big shelves.Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

Weekend Favorites

I’m starting a new series today called Weekend Favorites where I’ll be posting about favorite things from the weekend on Monday mornings. It might be thrifting finds, photos I took, things we did, recipes, etc. I think this will be a great way to celebrate all the little things. It’s usually the little things that are magic.

Here are this weekends favorite things.

Sunday’s thrifting find. I love the mustard color and think I might plant a succulent in it. How cute would that be?! It was only $3, which makes it even better in my book!DSC_0454DSC_0457DSC_0459


Donkey Tail plant. On a run to Home Depot for some more terra-cotta pots, I picked up this awesome plant. I’ve wanted one for a long time. Now I can check it off my list. Hopefully I can keep it alive…DSC_0434DSC_0436DSC_0439DSC_0441


Photos of the kids. Love how excited they get about little things like heart-shaped lollipops on Valentine’s Day. photo (17)


Learning games on Sunday morning while I made breakfast.DSC_0432

And last, but not least, flowers from Jeremy on Valentine’s Day. I don’t get flowers often, so this was a nice surprise! Oh and there was wine too. I love having fresh flowers in the house. Especially this time of year when everything outside is so brown.DSC_0466

Hope you’re having a great start to your week!