Spring Fever-Cleaning Mode

This post is going in a different direction than most of the other posts, but this is what’s happening around my house right now. I have major Spring fever. The temps here aren’t feeling very Spring like yet and it’s killing me, but I still feel the need to whip our house into shape before the busy Summer season begins.

I’ve been browsing Pinterest looking for Spring cleaning tips and came across this list from FirstHomeLoveLife. I think it’s a pretty thorough list and I plan to cross off as many items as I can over the next month.

I actually got started yesterday and cleaned out our refrigerator. It’s now almost totally empty. Apparently it needed to be cleared out a long time ago because there were so many things that were so old that it’s embarrassing for me to admit the expiration date. Don’t judge me…I’m a busy mom.

So, anyway, it was such an awesome feeling once it was cleared out and cleaned. I love the feeling of having things as clean as they can be. Ok, so I’ll admit it. I’m a clean freak and a neat freak. At least I’ll never be a hoarder.

If you’re looking for a good list, click the link above and you’ll find it.


Happy Spring!