I Am a Runner Or Am I?

Well, I’m not sure if I am an actual runner or if I’m a wannabe runner. I’ve been running off and on for the past 9 years. I love it.

I love the way I feel while I’m running and I especially love the way I feel after. I totally get that runner’s high. No other exercise makes me feel the way running does. I’ve run a few 5ks and plan to run another in a couple of weeks and my dream is to someday run a marathon. It’s one of the things on my life list.

My only problem is that I don’t get to do it enough. That’s why I’m not sure if I’m just a wannabe runner. It’s hard for me to take the time for myself when it seems there are a million and one other things I could be doing. And even though my runs usually only last 30-45 minutes, I am constantly putting it off to do laundry, clean the house, work on projects, blog and etc.

I feel that in order to call myself a true runner and to be the kind of runner I’ve always wanted to be, I need to make a commitment to run at least three times a week and stop putting it off for other activities that can obviously been done after I run. I need to get back to running the way I did when I first started; before I had kids. That’s when I could run off the stress of the day and run as long as I wanted to run.

I think it’s important for me to pick a time of day to do my running and stick with that time as much as possible so that I can form a good solid routine. Right now, I run whenever Harper is napping, but I have run when she was awake a couple of times and she understood to stay back from the treadmill, so I don’t think that is an issue any longer. I will say though that it is much harder to focus on my run when I have two little kids running around me and sometimes even fighting causing me to pause my run to attend to them. It get very frustrating.

My dream is to create a routine where I wake up early and get my run in before they wake up. My problem is that both of my kids are early risers. Ugh. I would have to get up very, very early. But if I want to run in peace with just my thoughts and no distractions, then getting up early is the key.

I’ve read a few articles about how to shift your wake up time and I’m finding them extremely helpful.

Here one of the articles I’ve read about waking early and I thought you might enjoy it. It’s from Zen Habits. I receive their emails and love them.

The Most Successful Techniques for Rising Early

I’m even thinking about taking this microcourse called:

Create a Meaningful Morning Routine from Courtney Carve at Be More With Less

I’ve been wanting to take this class since I read about it last Spring, but I think before the mornings start to get dark as we move into Fall, I need to get in gear and register.

So, my plan to sign up for the microcourse today and to reread the Zen Habits article. I’m also going to read the book Born To Run by Christopher McDougall. I’ve heard so many things about it in terms of it being a major running motivator. Then my plan is to follow through and begin to rise earlier and once I’ve formed that habit, I’ll start my running.

By Christmas I will be able to, without any doubt, call myself a runner again, and that gets me excited!

I’ll keep you posted on my progress and I may even start a regular Instagram post to document my progress and keep me accountable.

Wish me luck, because although I am a morning person, I’m not a get up while it’s still dark for fun morning person. Do you hear what I’m saying?!

Is it Friday yet?! Why is this week going by so slowly for me?

See you tomorrow!