Crafting and Creating Rut

I feel like I’m in a rut lately and I can’t get out. I haven’t been very crafty or creative lately and I think it’s bringing me down. I’m a much happier person when I’m putting my creativity to good use. I’ll admit that I did need a little break after the 10 Projects challenge, but this break has lasted long enough.

I also haven’t even been working on Project Life because the new kit only sold at JoAnn is sold out online and in stores. By the time I get that I’ll have three months to catch up on!

Where do you find inspiration when you’re in a creative rut? I would love to know!

I usually browse Pinterest, read blogs and flip through magazine for my inspiration, but even that hasn’t been working for me lately. I think my problem may simply be that we’re not getting out enough. It has been the most ridiculously cold winter. I am more than ready for Spring to arrive, and I’m always inspired by the things I see around me, so I’m hoping that with Spring’s arrival I’ll be flooded with creativity.

I am thinking about maybe doing another project challenge and with my birthday coming up, maybe I’ll come up with something to correspond with it. Only I think I’ll give myself more time to complete the projects and focus on some bigger things I’d like to make.

Ok, enough about that little vent. I’m off to plan.

Oh, but did you see this lip-syncing contest between Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd last night?! It was hilarious!

I mean, Jimmy is pure awesome. And Paul Rudd. Seriously love him.

Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd lip-syncing